Inside Time

Inside Time is the only 'not for profit' national newspapers for prisoners distributed through the UK prison estate. It was launched by the New Bridge, the national charity for prisoners, in 1990 as an eight page quarterly newspaper to provide a voice for prisoners to express their views and concerns.

In 2003 Inside Time Limited was established as a wholly owned subsidiary of New Bridge to expand and develop the publication on a not for profit basis. Today it is a very successful full colour monthly publication with 56 - 64 pages distributing 57,000 plus copies of each issue free of charge throughout the prison estate, visitor centres, approved premises and special hospitals.

It contains news, a letters page, a monthly column by Rachel Billington and regular contributions from former and serving prisoners such as Ben Gunn, Charles Hanson, Gerard McGrath, Keith Rose John O 'Conner and Billy Little as well as former prisoners including music mogul Jonathan King and best selling author Noel 'Razor' Smith who wrote 'A Few Kind Words and a Loaded Gun' and 'Rusty Gun'.

Inside Time is widely used by solicitors specialising in prison law as a means of advertising.

Two further 'not for profit' publications Inside Poetry (a collection of prisoners' poems) and Inside Information the annual comprehensive prisons guidebook launched in 2009.

The company behind the newspaper is a wholly owned subsidiary of New Bridge, a charity working with prisoners, founded by the late Lord Longford.

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